one of the most surprising things to me while working in the clinic, has been working with the youngsters. between the clinic kiddos and my kiddos, and my friends’ kiddos, i have been learning all sorts of healing ways for them....and you know what?
•kids want a time out. •they want to be away from the screens. •they want to talk about their day. •they want to tell you something funny, or sad, or whatever is bringing them pain. •kids also know when they have had just enough time to gather themselves up and keep going.
we, us adults, are the ones that do not require them to do so. no matter what we say, we don’t hold a space for them, not like this. not a place where we can teach them breathing, and sitting, listening to their hearts, their bodies, and their sweet, innocent, and growing souls. i had a very specific reason and purpose, on why i went into this field, and it was and is for the KIDS!
it is with great joy and a ton of patience that i feel like i have “perfected” a recipe for the children. please know clothes stay on, breathing is taught, weighted blankets can be used, music is light, and the 30 minutes is enough to restore their spirits. i have enjoyed working with autistic children and highly sensitive children. (the recipe changes a little, but the results are the same...calmness and peace always arrive at the end of the session) i have a new package-i am offering:
•four 30 minute session for $95. •the age requirement is 5-18. •parents of course can stay in the room. •i strongly encourage our meetings to be once a week. •my sweet dog can be used for therapy too-he loves the kids, and patiently sits with your child the whole time, or choose🖤 text me. or call, i always prefer to hear your voice:)
be brave,